On February 18th 2018, at a well-recognized SideEvent at the Munich Security Conference (#MSC2018), GloHSA members participated in a panel about the imminent threats and upcoming tasks for #globalhealthsecurity.
@AnjaOpitz was the moderator. J.Stephen Morrison, ( @MorrisonCSIS) the Senior Vice President at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) set the scene for a wide-ranging and energetic discussion with opening comments about attacks on health workers (so called new barbarianism). He and some other great experts (@Nonstopdoc, @CaSchmutte, @UNMDFarmer) explored how the different elements of global health and security could cooperate more effectively, and what this would mean for the global health agenda.
With a capacity crowd in the Karmelitenkirche in Munich, Germany, GloHSA was able to raise awareness of the nexus between functioning health systems and health outcomes in conflict and post-conflict situations. GloHSA members made the point that investing in health security invests in the future of resilient nations.
The Global Health and Security Alliance thanks @jungesforum, @APBTutzing for that great opportunity and the awesome cooperation!